
Ask! is an ongoing short video series developed and produced by the students of Collingwood School and Media Arts College.

The inspiration for the project came about when the school was visited by David Bradley, star of the legendary British film Kes. We set up the Collingwood studio for a Question Time style video interview session which was so well recieved that we decided to create an ongoing series of videos which our students christened “Ask”.

We have had a diverse and fascinating cross-section of interviewees in the studios for our Ask! videos. Olympic athletes, internationally famous authors, artists, Buddhists, the police and even an OFSTED inspectorhave been in the hot seat. Our students support the popular Morpeth Book Festival by interviewing the guest authors as part of the Ask! series. We have made a selection of Ask videos available on the videos page here.

Our students do all of the research, devise the questions, conduct the interviews and take responsibility for the camera work, sound and post-production.

Our young people have thrived dealing with the demands of real-life media project work.  Ask! presents experiential work-related learning and is a great vehicle for Pupil Voice.

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