Advice on Super Mario Logan and Happy Tree Friends
A number of concerns have been raised regarding the unsuitable website content of ‘Super Mario Logan’ (featuring the puppet Jeffy) and ‘Happy Tree Friends’.
Super Mario Logan (Jeffy)
Jeffy the puppet is a popular character from the Super Mario Logan universe of YouTube channels. Jeffy is portrayed as a character with learning difficulties who often acts very inappropriately using offensive and sexually explicit language. He is easily recognisable as he always wears a blue helmet, a nappy outside his trousers and normally has a pencil up his nose.
The stories on this channel are often rude, offensive and bizarre in nature. The humour is very similar to what you would see in the popular TV adult cartoon show Family Guy or the movie Ted. The content in the videos feature a lot of toilet humour, use very explicit and offensive language which is often sexual in nature. The humour is often racist in content and uses a lot of racial stereotypes for some of its other characters.
Some of the videos feature rude songs that are often repeated by children and young people. The Channel is aimed at adults and it states on its homepage that the content is for a mature audience. In 2018 the people behind the channel added age restrictions to its videos to try to prevent children from watching them, however, these hurdles are easily navigated by children.
As so many children enjoy spending time on Youtube, please be mindful about the types of videos they can gain access to. Parental controls will help manage this, but please be aware this doesn’t always stop everything inappropriate. If you need support in putting controls and checks in place or to discuss further please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Happy Tree Friends
Happy Tree Friends is a violent, adult show which is aimed at children. It masquerades as cute, but a rotating group of cartoon stories show characters who end up tortured, maimed or dead. Children can watch short films then join part of a cyber chat world posting comments. Almost all the characters personify different mental disorders such as PTSD, anxiety, OCD, schizophrenia, etc. The character known as Disco Bear is commonly seen hitting on the female characters of the show. This show contains lots of blood, gore, death, murder, and dismemberment in every episode and can be very disturbing for viewers.
Common Sense Media, an information site for parents about online content, rates this show as 18+, a gory, ultra-violent, cynical, black-humoured site.
Please monitor your child’s use of YouTube and other online sites. If you would any further support with this please contact your child’s class teacher.
The stories on this channel are often rude, offensive and bizarre in nature. The humour is very similar to what you would see in the popular TV adult cartoon show Family Guy or the movie Ted. The content in the videos features a lot of toilet humour, and uses very explicit and offensive language which is often sexual in nature. The humour is often racist in content and uses a lot of racial stereotypes for some of its other characters.
Some of the videos feature rude songs that are often repeated by children and young people. The Channel is aimed at adults and it states on its homepage that the content is for a mature audience. In 2018 the people behind the channel added age restrictions to its videos to try to prevent children from watching them, however, these hurdles are easily navigated by children.
As so many children enjoy spending time on Youtube, please be mindful of the types of videos they can gain access to. Parental controls will help manage this, but please be aware this doesn’t always stop everything inappropriate. If you need support in putting controls and checks in place or to discuss further please speak to your child’s class teacher.