Summer Activities
Make Your Own Playdough
Make some homemade play dough from your kitchen cupboards; this is a fun sensory activity to make and once made gives hours of fun playing and creativity. Recipe on the link.
Grow your own own sunflower compitition
-Attached to our booklet is a packet with some sunflower seeds in it, for you to grow and nurture. We would love to see your progress and photos of you caring and growing your Sunflower. Log your progress and at the end of the summer break, take a final photo and measurements to show the Wellbeing team. Your efforts could win you first place in the competition. Information on the link on how to care for your Sunflower.
18 Outdoor Games for Kids
Put down the technology and get outside to enjoy some summer activities with some old school games for all ages. Here is a great weblink full of old school outdoor games and activities to try.
Design a postcard and keep in touch
We would love to hear from you, and what you have been up to over the summer break. We have enclosed a blank postcard in our latest newletter for you to design and complete telling us about your favourite day so far to post to our wellbeing team or alternatively bring into school at the beginning of the new term. If you would like to post it please send to the below address The Wellbeing Team, Collingwood School and Media Arts, College Stobhillgate, Morpeth NE61 2HA
Fruit ice pop making
Feeling hot? Why not make your own ice pops from fresh fruit and enjoy a nice healthy way to eat one of our 5 a day and cool down at the same time. This can be a good sensory output for those who like to chew. Recipe ideas on the link below.
Dandilion lion pictures
This fun activity will really help with dexterity and in the process make a cute little lion picture from dandelions, (other flowers can also be used and a variation of animals if you want to mix it up.) Follow the link below for instructions on how to do it.