The school expects all children to wear school uniform and has chosen garments for their comfort, smartness and easy care. All uniform should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Hair should be tied back. No makeup, nail varnish or jewellery please (including earrings). Links to our online supplier and details about pre-loved uniform are below.
Primary Uniform
Blue cardigan/sweatshirt
Sky blue polo shirt
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
Grey socks or tights
Black shoes
Summer uniform – Blue/white gingham dress
Main Uniform
Black cardigan/sweatshirt
White polo shirt
Black shoes
Black socks/tights
Black trousers, skirt or pinafore
PE Kit
Our PE kit is black shorts, white T-shirt, training shoes (predominantly white) and black track suit bottoms.
Online Ordering
Our supplier is called Tots to Teams. Ordering can either be over the phone, via email or online.