Elements 2025

Elements is the latest exhibition of works by students of Collingwood School and Media Arts College.

Elements is their exploration of the wonders of nature, and their surroundings, in a time marked by the threat of climate change.

The title references the ancient Greeks’ theories on the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. In these theories, they tried to explain the relationship between nature and humans and believed that if the balance was disrupted, problems would arise.

As well as more traditional techniques we have tapped into our student’s digital skills this time, as a Media Arts College should, and have included a rolling video installation of abstracted moving images.

The videos are accompanied by original ambient music and soundscapes created and recorded in our own sound studio.

Elements is being held at the prestigious rePUBlic galley on Blyth’s quayside.

More information can be found on the link here.

We would love it if you would print off a poster to display. Simply Click Here to grab a copy of our poster. Thank you!

Elements 2025

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