It takes a team of stars to make a school a safe and happy place for children to learn. But many of our stars are tucked away behind the scenes – the unsung heroes of our children’s education. Collingwood School and Media Arts College has a huge, and growing team of support staff who deserve recognition for their immense contributions to the life of the school.

For 10 years, UNISON has held a celebration day each year to raise the profile of support staff, and to pay tribute to the vital work they do every day. Support staff includes caterers, admin staff, finance officers, teaching assistants, librarians, ICT technicians, and more. Collingwood is delighted to have been selected to host the special 10th anniversary celebration event this year.

As a Creative Arts and Media College, committed to developing Pupil Voice, Collingwood was the ideal place to produce a promotional video for the event.

Our awesome Student Media Crews set to work, conducting interviews and operating the video and audio equipment to make the video which you can view in the link below.

Interviewees include UNISON Northumberland Branch Secretary Hannah Brown, Councillor Scott Dickinson MBE and teachers and students from across Collingwood.

Scott in the Studio

The Video

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